
Thumbnail of the map 'torment'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author apse
Tags action author:apse playable rated
Created 2010-10-27
Last Modified 2010-10-27
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description editing may occur.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'bone' Thumbnail of the map '.' Thumbnail of the map '.' Thumbnail of the map 'helium' Thumbnail of the map 'point' Thumbnail of the map 'convex lens'
bone . . helium point convex lens


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but I'm just a minimalistic person when it comes to gold... but we all have our ways of mapping :p


thanks sunset, i'll try to cut down on it in the next map.
thanks for playing, both of you.
too much, I think, but such a way.

uhh.. 5-faved
