Discussion 6: Exit Strategy

Thumbnail of the map 'Discussion 6: Exit Strategy'

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Author spudzalot
Tags author:spudzalot bad im playable puzzle-ish rated thwumps
Created 2012-06-15
Last Modified 2012-06-15
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Can't tell if this map is fun or not since I'm terrible at this game.

Other maps by this author

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Lemon Tree Insurance With Pylons Another Castle fuck Audio, Video, Disco Alphonse Elric


Pages: (0)


also looks sausy


every time this is played it feels like a different experience. I don't really like it - it's not like there's a section to practice and overcome. It's just beating random-ness.

Not sure what to make of this.

fun, i guess

a little insubstantial

I cant believe it. ._.
Demo Data


Best I could do after 30 minutes.
Demo Data


i suffer from this problem.

Well if you say so. :>