A Swiss Family Robinson-esque Wet Dream

Thumbnail of the map 'A Swiss Family Robinson-esque Wet Dream'

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Author spudzalot
Tags author:spudzalot blackson blacksonisntreallyblack collab playable unrated whitepower
Created 2012-06-17
Last Modified 2012-06-17
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Collab with the Son of Black.

Other maps by this author

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With Pylons Another Castle fuck Audio, Video, Disco Alphonse Elric Discussion 6: Exit Strategy


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I thought it was Brttrx, actually. Good nonetheless.

sounds gross

the gameplay is less gross

looks like a skarmory
pretty fantastic, love the tileset, love especially the little bounceblock jump in the path to get to the second switch
Demo Data


i missed the door at the end like a proper twat
Demo Data
but im using my brother's electronic keyboard so i keep jumping too early on EVERYTHING. :(


Demo Data