The Way of Righteousness

Thumbnail of the map 'The Way of Righteousness'

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Author UkaBOB
Tags author:ukabob bob2 hard long maze tricky unrated
Created 2018-01-05
Last Modified 2018-01-05
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Do not attempt this level unless you have unlimited supplies of time and patience.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Locked In' Thumbnail of the map 'Don't. Move. A. Muscle.' Thumbnail of the map 'The Paths of the Dead' Thumbnail of the map 'Escape from the City' Thumbnail of the map 'Pyramid Escape' Thumbnail of the map 'We're not done yet.'
Locked In Don't. Move. A. Muscle. The Paths of the Dead Escape from the City Pyramid Escape We're not done yet.


Pages: (0)

I'm not certain

I made this map a very long time ago. Try missing some of the triggers until you get out.
This level is just a whole lot of trial and error.
About that, though... I don't know. There are five of us here on this profile, so I know nothing about this map. I will try and sic the author on this to find an answer.

Thanks for checking out our maps!



I'm stuck in the bottom left corner. What am I doing wrong?

Now I'm confused.

What is the reason for the two letter words ending with "e"? Is there some sort of code?
