User information for "Hindi", ya ya ya hello

Maps 82 (Show all)
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Featured Maps 1 (Show all)
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I never know what to write in profile descriptions, so I hope writing that I never know what to write is a sufficiently descriptive description of my lack of knowledge on what should be written instead of this very statement on how describing myself in such designed spaces eludes me.

Preambles and rambles aside, hello there, nice to meet you.

Recent Maps

Thumbnail of the map 'Powers of Hanoi' Thumbnail of the map 'Woven' Thumbnail of the map 'Some mildy wondrous place' Thumbnail of the map 'Transparency III' Thumbnail of the map 'Arona Daal' Thumbnail of the map 'The hole is better than the half'
Powers of Hanoi Woven Some mildy wondrous place Transparency III Arona Daal The hole is better than the half