Hybrid Theory

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Thumbnail of the map 'Hybrid Theory'

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Author Ryzor
Tags album-art author:ryzor n-art rated
Created 2007-08-28
Last Modified 2008-06-23
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description Yeah, Linkin Park. Its what got me into metal, so I had to do it (besides, the album looks kickass). RCE, I used z snap finally.

3 in one day? Havent done that many since August 100000th.

Took me forever, try and comment :)

(P.S. If you liked this, you may like this one too. its 4/5 votes :} }

(P.S.S.) I never said they were metal, I said they got me into it. Theyre more a combination of nu-metal, rap-rock and a bit of electronic.


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I have that album!

also, i tried to make a hybrid thoery nmap myself a few months ago. it sucked.
so great job with yours. 5/5


I love Linkin Park


Awesome artwork. Plus, that's a great CD.

There more like

"nu" metal

That looks awesome.

I refuse to believe Linkin Park is metal.
Good metal at least.


This is amazing. Better than anything I could ever do thats for sure. 4.5/5.

Great Job.

One of my favorite bands, so just having that in common I give it a 3/5, but its probably better than anything I can do so I'll give the design a 4/5. Great Job.