Ninja Pacman Challenge

Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja Pacman Challenge'

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Tags action author:redemption playable puzzle redemption unrated
Created 2007-08-28
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A skilled ninja + Pacman's Maze = The Ninja Pacman Challenge

Just so we're clear, it serves two purposes:
1. A very difficult challenge.
2. As close of a replica of the original Pacman maze as I can get.

Other maps by this author

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Master Ninja Training Course


Pages: (0)

Thanks again.

And yeah, that would be sorta impossible since i filled up the whole map :P

oh lol

AGD stands for All Gold Demo. gettin all the gold is so tough.

Thanks man.

But what the hell is an AGD? Sorry I'm new here, and I mite've missed some sorta explanation.


i was so close, AGD seems impossible but anywayz cool map.

Demo Data


Pretty friggen Original, i like it 4.5/5
Well atleast you were honest bout it. guess i'll have to stick with the "no rating" thing for now.

I have yet to rate it.


Why is it that someone finds it in themselves to play and comment on my map, they always forget to rate it? You said 4/5, but the map says it has been yet to be rated.

