
Thumbnail of the map '*Stitches* '

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Author HUH?
Tags author:huh? puzzle unrated
Created 2007-09-02
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Resub because of lack of attention
I got one 5, but i don't know who sent it.
More Gold!

Dedicated to Player_03
The open-door policy used in this map was what I added to the first player_03 map I ever played.
Tricky puzzle based on timing and attention to opened paths.
If you think you are trapped on top of some doors, just jump around and you'll get through. The trap doors are backwards in this map--they stop you from getting trapped.
Weird, HUH?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Radial (easified)' Thumbnail of the map 'Did you really think it’d be that easy?' Thumbnail of the map 'TEST' Thumbnail of the map 'Sim Capitalism' Thumbnail of the map 'mountain stream' Thumbnail of the map 'Stitches'
Radial (easified) Did you really think it’d be that easy? TEST Sim Capitalism mountain stream Stitches


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Nice idea

...but it's too long. If you make the passages into a maze and shorten the level, I think you can make something much better out of it.


really cool, this deserves to be 5avesizeleveled