Room 409

Thumbnail of the map 'Room 409'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Rake
Tags action author:rake playable rated
Created 2007-09-12
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Named after a great BFMV song.

The map is pretty easy once you figure out what to do, but an AGD requires you to take the harder way back to the exit.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'NecroTech / Pressure' Thumbnail of the map 'NecroTech / Top of the tower' Thumbnail of the map 'NecroTech / Breach' Thumbnail of the map 'Symetry of Cthulu' Thumbnail of the map 'Grand Slayer's Palace' Thumbnail of the map 'Why? Because I can.'
NecroTech / Pressure NecroTech / Top of the tower NecroTech / Breach Symetry of Cthulu Grand Slayer's Palace Why? Because I can.


Pages: (0)

the bottom


Cool. 4/5
Demo Data

the band

is great, the song is great, and so is the map. my favorite part is the beginning because the drone is timed perfectly. design is good as well.