R3puzzle #3 - Follow

Thumbnail of the map 'R3puzzle #3 - Follow'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author rrrobyp
Tags author:rrrobyp playable puzzle r3puzzle rated
Created 2005-07-09
Last Modified 2008-07-05
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description You'll need patience to complete this...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bounce away from rocket' Thumbnail of the map 'Mined walls' Thumbnail of the map 'All rrright' Thumbnail of the map 'They're behind the walls' Thumbnail of the map 'R3puzzle #1 - Maze' Thumbnail of the map 'R3puzzle #2 - Trapmania'
Bounce away from rocket Mined walls All rrright They're behind the walls R3puzzle #1 - Maze R3puzzle #2 - Trapmania


Pages: (0)

Running out of adjectives

Completion Demo

Slower than Malachyte, ´cause added much more gold
Demo Data


This was a very fun map, and very challenging to complete, but hey, that's why we play isn't it? For that rush of satisfaction when finally completing a map like this... I had to give myself a nice big pile of gold to complete this one, which is why I sit still for a few seconds at the beginning of my replay... once again, iHatePracticeMode™
Demo Data
Well, good luck with the next one:


Darn it!
Demo Data


Let that drone chase you when you go up...
(ugh! I shouldn't help on these puzzles...)


This is where I always die. I just can't beat that drone.
Demo Data

Uh, there's already a comment...
No, it isn't cheatable (I hope...)


Playing now. Let's hope this one isn't cheatable.