Electric Trickery ((sort of) easy version)

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Author Sendy
Tags author:sendy playable puzzle unrated
Created 2005-07-09
Last Modified 2005-07-09
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Yes, it's this again, but with a greater margin for error. Let me know if this is better...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Green Eggs and Ham' Thumbnail of the map 'SDY 01-0 - Oh Noes! Thwumpses!' Thumbnail of the map 'Deceit ' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Toss' Thumbnail of the map 'Arrowhead' Thumbnail of the map 'Ziggy String'
Green Eggs and Ham SDY 01-0 - Oh Noes! Thwumpses! Deceit Thwump Toss Arrowhead Ziggy String


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I'm really pissed off right now.
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I find it easy, maybe because I made it and know all the tricks. Thanks for playing and posting demos :)


Gragh. That was HARD.
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What's this?! He's going for a superjump right to the top of the cliff, his audacity is shocking --- quite literally. *canned laughter as corpse flops down to the bottom*


Right at the easy ending too!
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