Joint Twist

Thumbnail of the map 'Joint Twist'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Mirage
Tags author:mirage collaboration puzzle rated
Created 2007-09-19
Last Modified 2007-09-19
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Funky tileset.
Funky map.
Something different.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Wait! They Will Leave.' Thumbnail of the map 'Whittle Damage' Thumbnail of the map '73-3: Race Horse Serene' Thumbnail of the map 'Rain Leads to Pour' Thumbnail of the map 'Pit of PizaZz' Thumbnail of the map 'As If On Wings'
Wait! They Will Leave. Whittle Damage 73-3: Race Horse Serene Rain Leads to Pour Pit of PizaZz As If On Wings


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Haha damn.

So much for playtesting all cheatability out of our maps...

Well done people. Those are some fanfuckingtastic demos.

Fast no-gold demo

Just a faster no-gold demo, with my previous innovation. Anyone want to be faster ? :D
Demo Data

Huge innovation

Here's a huge innovation. However I haven't made an AGD with it cause it's really hard to pull off...
Demo Data


I finally beat the mappack!


I can see 1100 frames being possible.
Demo Data

much faster AGD

with as great innovation

i can see 1150 being possible!
Demo Data
There's also another way to quit the back area faster, without the lock door... But the jump is really hard.
Demo Data

this is a sexy map

but you already knew that. :)


not that fast
Demo Data


Not too shabby of a demo, nowhere near close to kkstrong0's.
And not a bad map, either.
Demo Data

Nice demo.

Real nice.
i would like to see this beaten, i might try for it later, but this took me about 45 minutes (or os it seemed) (i dont know really, but I will post this map on the forums and see if a regaular highscorer can go faster

that first jump is what took me the longer, it was damm hard!

so here you go a 1364 frame agd 310 frames faster than yours mirage!!! EAT THAT!!! :P :P :P
Demo Data


First try muckabout

All gold. 3434.
Demo Data
I have 6 columns done BTW!

Fast AGD.

If I say so myself.
Demo Data