Factory Ridge

Thumbnail of the map 'Factory Ridge'

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Author Pheidippides
Tags action author:pheidippides bitesized floorguards medium playable rated rockets thwumps
Created 2007-09-28
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description 140th. Maybe a bit Yahoozy-esque? Maybe? Enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sunset for a Sweetheart' Thumbnail of the map 'Columni' Thumbnail of the map 'Illusory' Thumbnail of the map 'Corrosive' Thumbnail of the map 'Just another Cityscape.' Thumbnail of the map 'The Order is Rapidly Fading'
Sunset for a Sweetheart Columni Illusory Corrosive Just another Cityscape. The Order is Rapidly Fading


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but the rocket placement was tops and I thought it flowed great. :/
You can definitely expect some revisions. Maybe after a few more comments.
Additionally, the rocket was quite blandly placed. I think it would be more interesting if it was somewhere in the map's lower half. (Of course, you could've added some more bounceblocks for that obligatory rocket-dodging scenario.) You could've even tried replacing the rocket with one or two Laser Drones, which would shoot the player through the windows. There's more you could've done with the map.
I knew about the floorguard, though. It forces you to plan a bit. I couldn't really find many ways to smooth it out, but if you watch my demo, there's a bit of flow.

Thanks for the feedback.


That first floorguard allows you to get trapped within that chamber, and that's not cool. It looks kind of nice, but it plays clunkyly, and it's not very fun.

Man, oh man, this is unbelievable. I'm sure there's some kind of awesome flow, but I didn't get all of it. I like it though. The object placement is SOOOO good. I love you.
Demo Data

Quick completion.

Demo Data