
Thumbnail of the map 'Shapeshifting'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author defenderofint
Tags author:defenderofint dda ddaish experimental fusion race raceish test unrated
Created 2007-09-29
Last Modified 2007-09-29
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This map is a very weird fusion between a DDA and no-jump race. I have included a demo because the flow gets harder and harder to find as the level goes on, and the gameplay gets harder and harder, requiring more and more skill and precision as you go. In a way this is nice; it gives you a sense of accomplishment after you get past the each segment. The level isn't like any other race you've ever seen though, parts of it are almost DDA-like. Additionally, the drones take some quite interesting paths; make sure you look at them at least once while watching the demo.

I'd like to thank Ryzor for playtesting this, as he gave me the idea to submit it as a hybrid rather than a race.

A demo is included for your enjoyment.

Other maps by this author

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Round Robin (AGD Version) Zen Outcast Parlais en Francais? Chickens Discipline


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Greap map



Please excuse the slight strangness at the end.
Demo Data