Thumbnail of the map 'CG'

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Author Coenraad
Tags author:coenraad dda kradda rocket unrated
Created 2007-09-30
Map Data

Description This map was made by me and my bro who is known as gstyn1.
Its our first kradda we've ever made so its not very good.

Please comment

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'BugTube' Thumbnail of the map 'My 3D Attempt' Thumbnail of the map 'Periscope' Thumbnail of the map 'Buggy Spiral' Thumbnail of the map 'Look into the eyeball' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket Tube'
BugTube My 3D Attempt Periscope Buggy Spiral Look into the eyeball Rocket Tube


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Obviously the mines were the best example of this. It's typical of a new mapmaker, but overall, I think your DDA was very good. It's a bit short, and there are pretty much no close calls, but other than that, good. Keep working on it, but don't stick to DDAs. Try to make playable levels that are fun and challenging.

You have a great deal of promise. Go you.


Appreciate it.

Great for a first

you obviously have some mapmaking expertise taht helped you with this. good job! 4/5