
Thumbnail of the map 'Pilgrimage'

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Author calamity7
Tags action author:calamity7 playable rated
Created 2007-10-03
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This is what I'm going to do. If you make a GOOD suggestion and you are a pretty experienced member, I will consider it and rate and comment 5 of your recent maps.
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Limiting Factor' Thumbnail of the map 'Warhead' Thumbnail of the map 'I Had Two. (resub)' Thumbnail of the map 'Cascade' Thumbnail of the map 'Please Speak Up...I'm Wearing a Towel' Thumbnail of the map 'Factory'
The Limiting Factor Warhead I Had Two. (resub) Cascade Please Speak Up...I'm Wearing a Towel Factory


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No controversy.

Merely a suggestion, right?

Plus, have you rated 5 of my maps yet? ;)

No controversy.

Merely a suggestion, right?

Plus, have you rated 5 of my maps yet? ;)

cool map

i haven't really got anything to suggest, its fun how it is. maybe some cosmetic changes to certain awkward tile shapes, but other than that, nice map.

4 months ago

i was a "noob", who knows, maybe i still am. i realize i may have been harsh when i said i wanted experienced members. and i agree, there are some maps that people take one look at and dont bother playing it. i have seen 1st time members submitting their first map on NUMA and having it turn out with a rating of 4.5. "noobs" are just as welcome to make suggestions about this map as people who may have more experience making maps.

I am sorry that this caused so much controversy.
Thankyou Zres, reeferattack, nevermore, dAaZnfr3aK, and monkeyfish.


nice flow, its fun,
kinda long, but by the title thats what u wanted

I think...

It was tedious and boring in a way. It didn't really suit lower level players. But I can't take that away from you.

When I say Tedious, I mean jumping from one corner to another, then going back to the start. It was too slow as well. The Tileset was fine, I had no problems with the crevices.

Most comments are personal opinion. When you say consider, make sure you think from their perspective, collect everyone's view and then implement them all.

Its the "noobs" that don't get the votes, people don't recognise their name and just ignore their maps, the maps could be fantastic, but wasn't by Clifty or astheoceansblue for example. Plus, how do you judge a good comment? What, they don't criticize it? Think about it. I will play it now and make my judgement.


two things

two thing,

i forgot to disable ratings.
and what i meant was as long as it's a suggestion that would actually improve the map.
i just want to make this as fun as possible.
Shouldn't have anything to do with it, calamity. A good comment is a good comment.

so we have to be

experienced to get 5 ratings? isn't it the newer and inexperienced players that need 5 ratings more than the experienced and already renowned players?

there's not a whole lot you can do to improve this. it's pretty much a generic good tileset good gameplay map. get rid of the crevice like zres said. 4



Sweet map.

I'd try to avoid crevices like the one on the right and top part of the map. It helps asthetics and gameplay.