Night lamp

Thumbnail of the map 'Night lamp'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Innovation
Tags action-like author:innovation blurry hammet hidden-mines playable rated
Created 2007-10-06
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Normally I hate laser drones but I love them for this map.

There are mines under the tiles, obviously seen by the red sticking out.


Don't rate based on the noobish look.

Resub: no attention

Other maps by this author

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Narrow Drop Mest Colossal stairq Bloing Aptly named


Pages: (0)

...unless you need an alternate route out, and even then two doors will do.
Thanks for the comment and stuffs. x3

I also hate it.
I hate it when maps get no attention.... X_x