Ruin Tower

Thumbnail of the map 'Ruin Tower'

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Author Rake
Tags action author:rake playable rated
Created 2007-10-08
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description A cool looking map, try an All Gold Demo because completion is too easy.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Spring Boardolith' Thumbnail of the map 'Spontanius Cubularosis' Thumbnail of the map 'Mother Ship' Thumbnail of the map 'A Promise Was Made.' Thumbnail of the map 'Black Sands' Thumbnail of the map 'Earthix'
Spring Boardolith Spontanius Cubularosis Mother Ship A Promise Was Made. Black Sands Earthix


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I shall leave this map, and get to work on my newest.


Well the tileset takes over half the map, so I would say that it's basically how it is. You could swap enemys around and add different objects, but I think you have a good combination as is.

Ok then

anyone think this could be improved on, or just left the way it is?
Ninja breaks into empite state building, steals 6 pieces of plastic gold, and escapes into hidden door.

"He was so fast. I don't belive he entered with dying." Tabloids say.

I must say, this was impressive. Although I had this weird feeling that I was stealing from the empire state building, though.



That was intense, I should have died a couple times, you guys should call me Boris The Bullet Dodger ^_^

No Snatch humor? Oh forgot it.

Demo Data