
Thumbnail of the map 'Desert'

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Author cam0101
Tags author:cam0101 desert n-art nonplayable rated
Created 2007-10-18
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This is a n-art of the desert

Other maps by this author

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it looks like death

since when do the suns rays only travel in parallel lines? where the hell is the actual desert? wtf has happened to the clouds?

as an n-art its just poor. you could have done it so much better and the only redeeming feature is that its a 1st.
Tips and points to improve upon:
- suns rays arnt straight
- could have tried a bit of chading on the cactus and coloured it in better. remember you are not stuck with only using a single snap per object - you can use z-snap for outline and fill it in with c-snap. shading could then be added with firther z
- clours could have been better as cloud shapes
- a little gold on the sides on the clouds would have given it more volume.
- actually having a desert

other than that - i think the red flowers are pretty well made lol. so to end this long comment - 1.5 for nart + .5 for it being a 1st.