
Thumbnail of the map 'experiment'

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Author 1williamsg
Tags author:1williamsg easy playable unrated
Created 2007-10-19
Map Data

Description i don't want any comments about this being a noob level or anything like that as i personally have had enough of that.
i get enough of that at school so i don't want it here.
positive comments or none at all. OK.

this is just an experiment for something that didn't quite work but trying different things instead to get the result i want
it is very simple and i know that all ready so don't say that either.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'IT CAN NOT BE THAT SIMPLE CAN IT?' Thumbnail of the map 'I AHTE THIS ! (AFTER 500 GOS AT IT)' Thumbnail of the map 'leap of faith to the climb of fame' Thumbnail of the map 'CRASY EYES' Thumbnail of the map 'ninja stars' Thumbnail of the map 'GERAINT'
IT CAN NOT BE THAT SIMPLE CAN IT? I AHTE THIS ! (AFTER 500 GOS AT IT) leap of faith to the climb of fame CRASY EYES ninja stars GERAINT


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you want good comments or none? how the hell are you gonna find out where you could improve. you cant just tell people not to comment if they think its crap. this level is far too basic - there is nothing in it thats fun - the gold is inaccessible hence useless spam. the tileset sucks ass. if you want to get only good comments then go somewhere else - here even the best maps get criticism and by no means is this anywhere near best or even good.
work on your mapping style more, and improve. As astheoceansblue said, criticism is the best device for learning.

You should vary the tiles on the right and made the climb more interesting. At the moment it's very dull working your way up.

The puzzle aspects are just far too simple for this to be enjoyable.

Having gold that you can't collect that isn't locked behind tiles is also extremely frustrating.


If you had an interesting climb, a more intricate puzzle and subtler and acquirable gold then this could be fun.

Sorry to go against what you asked for, but constructive crit is the only way to improvement.


Oh Crap
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