Thumbnail of the map 'UNDER CONSTRUCTION'

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Author Assassin247
Tags author:assassin247 cool dda incomplete pipes unrated
Created 2007-10-21
Last Modified 2007-10-21
Map Data

Description Hello, this is a pipe-DDA that I am working on, and would like opinions on if I should follow through and complete it and any suggestions you may have, like adding mines or gold.

I will also credit the people who give (good) ideas when this map is completed.

The more constructive feedback and more ideas the better it will be in the end, so comment please.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Flippy the Duck' Thumbnail of the map 'Zoingo-Boingo' Thumbnail of the map 'A little torture never hurts...much...' Thumbnail of the map 'In the Airduct' Thumbnail of the map 'Life Among Robotic Butterflies' Thumbnail of the map 'Torture isn't THAT painful...sometimes  '
Flippy the Duck Zoingo-Boingo A little torture never hurts...much... In the Airduct Life Among Robotic Butterflies Torture isn't THAT painful...sometimes


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hmmm yes

agreed with monkey..
and well, about enemy placement..
maybe a gauss in the to describe tose passages?..
ah in suh parts you fall first through..there add gausses and otherwise mine i´d say..

(you know what i mean?)
its damn fast. maybe u could make a hold right DDA?
Demo Data


mosh it right, nice usage of space, but plz add some enemies.
mines here and there and some rockets(if possible) would be great..
But it's a little boring. Enemies; like a gauss turret here and there wouldn't hurt at all.