
Thumbnail of the map 'Sub'

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Author calamity7
Tags action author:calamity7 bitesized playable rated
Created 2007-10-29
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description -sandwich
-machine gun


Other maps by this author

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Tethered will it ever stop? Tomacco Ember. He Prefers... Jumpstart


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haha Mekkah.

i was a little disappointed to see the rating drop. no, i did not rate that map a zero. i did play it and it was fun. i cant remember if i rated it yet or not, ill check.
but i did get pretty pissed when you accused me of making a map that looked like one of Brttrx's.
There's a small little trick to getting the first switch. Here:
Demo Data

"Besides, you're just pissed becasue your map rating dropped."


"I also have a feeling you are the one who gave my recent map, "Animal Nitrates" a 0."


"Grow Up. It's a map. There are more important things in life. I tried to give you advice."


you're just pissed becasue your map rating dropped.


Grow Up.

It's a map. There are more important things in life. I tried to give you advice.

I also have a feeling you are the one who gave my recent map, "Animal Nitrates" a 0.
that's how it's supposed to be. that's why i placed the switch EXACTLY there. thnx for being a downer.

P.S. Did Brttrx put you up to this?


Ok. The enemy placement was good, but I found the start extremely frustrating, espicialy when you got the switch and that damn rocket follows you and kills you into that, "1 tile high" corridor. The areas where you fall and can't get out aren't bad, but I don't think they add to the overall feel and gameplay of the map. The top was excellent.

P.S. it kinda looks like a Brttrx map.


im glad someone figured that little trick out.
very nice usaswim
Demo Data
i hate it.
nice demo jiggerjaw
I'd rather not tell you my rating on the internet...
Demo Data

Took a few tries...

But I finally scraped together this.
Very good map; 4/5.
Demo Data
so u can kill yourself instead of wasting energy trying to get back up

userleveled! faved! Fived!

you rock


Super map.

Faved and bitesized.

thanx man

thats the word i really wanted to hear.
BRUTAL! Well thought out, good placement, pretty damn hard. Effective use of all enemies. I like it very much, 4.5