question of the day scoreboard

Thumbnail of the map 'question of the day scoreboard'

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Author miscellaneous
Tags author:miscellaneous unrated
Created 2007-11-19
Map Data

Description yes, i know that this is a blank map

i just want to get it out there that the scoreboard for my question of the day series ded is as follows

gforce20: 1
pepi321: 1
Hendor: 1
others: 0

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bird of Prey' Thumbnail of the map 'response to Fire Tamer' Thumbnail of the map 'QUESTION OF THE DAY' Thumbnail of the map 'QUESTION OF THE DAY 2' Thumbnail of the map 'hitman logo' Thumbnail of the map 'run over'
Bird of Prey response to Fire Tamer QUESTION OF THE DAY QUESTION OF THE DAY 2 hitman logo run over


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you probably don't need to put the "others" score, cause if someone else had a score, you would right their name, right?


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