Out of Bounds

Thumbnail of the map 'Out of Bounds'

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Author superguh007
Tags action author:superguh007 claustrophobic drone-paths drones inflation no-gold playable unrated
Created 2007-11-22
Last Modified 2007-11-22
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Resub due to extreme lack of attention and the general gayness of snipers.

You know those maps where everything seems to come around and bite you in the rear? Well, this is one of those maps.

This is a substantial reworking of a previous map, Inflate-A-Hate. My first concern was to make a not-n00bish tileset, and then to alter the gameplay so that this map is (hopefully) less unbalanced/repetitive and more tricky. Underneath the changes is the same original idea, which is of course the two giant columns of drones, which move outwards and give N more freedom with each switch obtained.

Posting/Watching Demos are always a fun way to pass the time. If you find a way to cheat, show me. As always, RateCommentEnjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hook, Line, and Sinker' Thumbnail of the map 'Breakout Session' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple House' Thumbnail of the map 'System.out.print' Thumbnail of the map 'Flamethrower as Guidance Counseler' Thumbnail of the map 'Oozing with Love'
Hook, Line, and Sinker Breakout Session Simple House System.out.print Flamethrower as Guidance Counseler Oozing with Love


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but i agree, it is a little to hard. Maybe take out some enemies and add some gold. Love the concept though

It's clever,

But it's to hard to be fun :/