Con Artist

Thumbnail of the map 'Con Artist'

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Author calamity7
Tags action author:calamity7 bitesized con playable rated
Created 2007-11-28
by 21 people.
Map Data

Description I really like this one. Inspiration was drawn from unconditional and cahu. I especially like the tiles and the gameplay. Comments would make my day.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'How do you make a table?' Thumbnail of the map 'August Falling' Thumbnail of the map 'I Wish We Could Stop' Thumbnail of the map 'iN SYnC' Thumbnail of the map 'Suprise!?' Thumbnail of the map 'Underwater Basket Weaving'
How do you make a table? August Falling I Wish We Could Stop iN SYnC Suprise!? Underwater Basket Weaving


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its quite flowy, at least the first three quarters.
coll thingie
Demo Data


whats up with the there and back thing! plenty of maps have it

I love the flow, especially at the start. I just didn’t like the going there and back. 4

Brilliant flow.

Linearity isn't that bad in this level, but I don't like the there and back bit.
Really disliked the drone bit.
Anyway, 4aved.

feels very

half-done. A few places the tiles could be tidied up. Drone path is silly. The door not touching tiles at both ends I find annoying.

3/5 for now, definitely needs some work.


But I'm not going to be fooled by the snazzy tiles. The drone bit is stupid, the start is great. I love the right tiles, might wanna rework the one-ways in the top-right, maybe bunch them more? Has worked before :P and generally smooth out the game-play. 4.0 from me.
of course.

It's nice,

but I don't like the back-and-forth and linear elements. Some maps are an exception, this isn't one of them.

yahoozy/ntropolis - esque.


oh man

I totally have to bitesize it after finding flow in the tiles. I really wish you deleted the mine that messed up my jump.


I haven't done that in a while, have I?
Demo Data

This is great.

The tiles were good, but I believe they coud have been done better. awesome gameplay. 4.5/5.


I like this. the tileset and enemy placement all make a great overall gameplay. the beginning was hard at first but I got it eventually.


awesome map

4.5aved for sure
i really hope this gets bitsized
and i have a death defying compleiton demo, kind of long though...
Demo Data


i made your day!!!
it's average, 3.5.