E-Z Challenge 5

Thumbnail of the map 'E-Z Challenge 5'

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Author Zorkona
Tags author:zorkona challange e-z skill unrated
Created 2007-12-03
Map Data

Description Fifth in the E-Z Challange series!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Elevator of Illusion' Thumbnail of the map 'Energy Capsule Folgor' Thumbnail of the map 'E-Z Challenge 1' Thumbnail of the map 'E-Z Challange 2' Thumbnail of the map 'E-Z Challange 3' Thumbnail of the map 'E-Z Challange 4'
Elevator of Illusion Energy Capsule Folgor E-Z Challenge 1 E-Z Challange 2 E-Z Challange 3 E-Z Challange 4


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.50 faster :D

I was wonsering why I couldn't get to the exit then realised I had set the jump button to 'D' so I could get a DDA working, anyway forgot to change it then realised like 30 deaths later lol
Demo Data


Faster and alive, too
Demo Data

I can do it.

and live.
Demo Data