Narrow Evasion

Thumbnail of the map 'Narrow Evasion'

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Author James_Asaurus_Rex
Tags author:james_asaurus_rex n-art rated
Created 2007-12-06
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description My first N art... I'm disappointed I had to make N in the falling position, I wanted something more creative without all the creating... didn't work out for me.
And, wow, It may not be an evasion because that chain drone's bullet looks pretty darn close to N's head.
I'm open to any suggestions, if there are any.


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ditto on cossack

including the rating.


Initials are JAR


apart from the fact that this was done a billion times before - its pretty good. the gold could of benefited with the little highlight (wouldnt have been hard to do - just not put a couple of gold pieces in the top right) and the ninjas feet are a little mauled. on the other hand the drones and gauss are pretty good. 4 + .5 for 1st nart.

for later narts - try to keep away from this theme unless you come up with something revolutionary - pretty much everything has already been done and people tend to be bitchy :P