Jail-Break Judy

Thumbnail of the map 'Jail-Break Judy'

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Author lord_day
Tags action author:lord_day featured jail playable rated
Created 2007-12-07
by 20 people.
Map Data

Description Grid iron lock down.

This map was featured on 2010-07-24

One of the most impressive things about this map are the tiles; they're so simple but so effective at creating atmosphere, given the title. The gameplay is really lovely too; you can either rush through or meticulously get every gold piece, which somehow makes the map a lot more challenging. The tiles provide neat little hiding spots, just like in real jails!!! Wheeee — skyline356

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'J Map' Thumbnail of the map 'X Waffle's' Thumbnail of the map 'Battered Map' Thumbnail of the map 'Egg Face' Thumbnail of the map 'Wing Commander V' Thumbnail of the map 'Never Been Too Fast'
J Map X Waffle's Battered Map Egg Face Wing Commander V Never Been Too Fast


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Demo Data

Fun map

ft agd
Demo Data



Ferox, you realise he's joking, yeah?

Haha, gloomp

One of the first things I've ever agreed on with you.

yeah skylines so funny and gloomp has a cool avatar. fuc kthat i express myself better.

gloomp and skyline

are endless sources of laughter. hahaha
that analysis and criticism != "i can do better"?

in this case, analysis and criticism = "lord_day can do better".
all that separates this from every other map these days are some trees and a giant fractured circle and some pointless mines and basically change everything. also it's by lord_day, who only gets features because all the reviewers want to have his babies.

Generic demo

Demo Data
it's boring, but not generic.

it was great fun

better than most maps i've played that were made in 07. it's not generic either.

Agreed with flag.

Generic =/= E-tiles.

I'm with flag.

You people have bastardized the term "generic".


For those of you calling this boring and generic: have you ever seen a map that looked and played remotely like this? Is it generic because of the E tiles? Is it generic because the gold forms little shapes around the bounce blocks? Are all of you idiots?


One of the few times I see blocky tiles that you jump on yet don't impede your movement.
Demo Data

First try AGD

Really fun.
Demo Data
The tiles provide an interesting landscape for the player and the zap drones, and that said I didn't have to use any of the crevices as hiding spots.
Demo Data


like 330 should be possible without hitting the thwump
Demo Data

First try :D
Demo Data


Demo Data


Yeah sorry, boring and generic I agree. Feels like everything is just slapped around everywhere with a pretty bland tileset. The review is also dull and flat.

Very generic. The objects are good and could make a nice retile but with these tiles (which are the type when you can't think of some tiles and all maps with the tileset tag are pure ****) they make for some not-so great gameplay. 2.5/5
to be /extremely/ generic, which is the one thing I think is inexcusable in a map.

I think that even for 07, this gameplay style was very common, and now, it's just trite and boring. 2.


Demo Data


Nothing special imo. 3.


Sub-1000 AGD

Demo Data

Mf. Could have been better. The gold placement seems lame. Playability is superb though.


I know for a fact I've played this before. I guess I never posted a demo. I liked this. Fun to play, and not too difficult.
Demo Data

No ghosty?

Demo Data

had to play the map

before i appreciated the tiles. i love the frantic, almost comical feel of the map. 4.5 up / faved


nice variety.
Demo Data

suprisingly fun


And faved.

I'll be back. Heheh.

I like this.

It's a very calming map. Four.
Demo Data