Bouncy Room

Thumbnail of the map 'Bouncy Room'

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Author Notae
Tags author:notae playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-07-25
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Only 2 mines, but right in the wrong place! It's a very easy level, for when you just want to beat something!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '8 Rooms' Thumbnail of the map 'My Superliminal' Thumbnail of the map 'Oh God! Doors Everywhere!' Thumbnail of the map 'Journey to the Center of the Earth' Thumbnail of the map '16 Rooms'
8 Rooms My Superliminal Oh God! Doors Everywhere! Journey to the Center of the Earth 16 Rooms


Pages: (0)


Well I guess I've just been playing it a whole lot, so I think it's easy because I know too much about it! Thanks!


Very fun to play! 4/5


Really addicting to play but really hard.
I really enjoy playing it 5/5.


I'm finding it to pe pretty hard actually :P
Demo Data