Look out for the Drone Train

Thumbnail of the map 'Look out for the Drone Train'

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Author Sidorio
Tags author:sidorio mines playable racer tunnels unrated
Created 2007-12-20
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A fairly difficult level. It may take you a few tries. If you don't like it, please say why. I'm tired of people leaving comments like 'crap' or 'terrible'.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Falling with style' Thumbnail of the map 'To the pods!' Thumbnail of the map 'The Chasm' Thumbnail of the map 'Only on Game Boy Advance' Thumbnail of the map 'Into the bunker...V2' Thumbnail of the map 'Army of Drones III'
Falling with style To the pods! The Chasm Only on Game Boy Advance Into the bunker...V2 Army of Drones III


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This is my first map which has got some really great feed back. Thanks especially to remote, since I had in my head that you were some stupid zero voter, but you've cleared up my misconceptions.


"Fairly difficult"?
Dang, this is extremely easy...
fun (not many maps are fun)
too easy
too many stuff (gold, mines)
i realise i havnt been giving you anything to go with recently on your maps *looks back* on 3 of your maps.
and i realise i rated low on them without giving proper reasons.
for this, i am sorry.
but would you rather i didnt comment at all?
i will try and give advise from here forward
and the only reason i havnt been in the past is due to well, me having to be places.
i would also like to point out that i never give zeros. i never snipe, ever. and i dont spam. at all.


You should make shortcuts for the drones,, I wasn't even near the drones in mid-level. And you could settle with
1/2 of the mines. M M M and not MMMMM
But I liked the part with the bounceblocks.
A 3/5
First, the loading time is way too long, this means that if I want to play the level again and again, as I should if it's a fun map, then I just get frustrated. The fact the loading time is so long is because of the needless gold delay and massive smattering of objects. You could easily have used far fewer objects and still made it tough.

The second major problem is the tileset; to make this level more enjoyable, you could have expanded the tileset to some interesting shapes as opposed to just lines and lines of blocky tunnels. Also, perhaps you could have instead of just one long tunnel incorporated some other, optional rooms with gold in for the quicker and better player.

Lastly, it's really not the most original level. You could follow the same theme of a "prisoner" map but add your own twists to it, but just drones chasing you down a tunnel won't really hold any thrills for the average user of NUMA.

Phew, there we go mate, it's not a horribly bad level, but you could definitely do better :D
Demo Data


I liked it, but one of the drones was stationary and loading was on the longish side
+nice concept
+nice jumping challenges
+mostly didnt get too boring

-way too easy
-super lag
-super loading time
-the gold delay bits i was watching instead of playing.

2.5 ;)
Demo Data