a bunch of trap doors N' twumps

Thumbnail of the map 'a bunch of trap doors N' twumps'

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Author SPITFIRE70875
Tags author:spitfire70875 dda playable unrated
Created 2007-12-22
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description my third dda OlNY 2 bounce pads and no gold delay

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Change of plans' Thumbnail of the map 'THE FIERY RED BEAM OF DOOOOM' Thumbnail of the map 'REPEATING PATERN' Thumbnail of the map 'Lots of gold delay' Thumbnail of the map 'Sad ending' Thumbnail of the map 'surf contest'
Change of plans THE FIERY RED BEAM OF DOOOOM REPEATING PATERN Lots of gold delay Sad ending surf contest


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The rockets fire a total of 4 times all together, but I didn't see any good close calls. If you're going to use rocket, don't let them be destroyed. True KRADDAs are much better than mere DDAs with rockets.

Sad ending

is much better