
Thumbnail of the map 'Pool/Billiards'

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Author Finimigure
Tags author:finimigure minigames series sports test unrated
Created 2007-12-29
Last Modified 2007-12-29
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I've finally perfected this! This N version of Billiards is played with the dead ninja's arm.

To play N Billiards:

Load the map, play it, and the ninja will die.
Hold <Ctrl> to drag around the ninja's arm.
Drag the arm to the border of the table, with the launchpads and one-ways.
You can pull the mouse back away from the "table," and the ninja arm will show signs of pressure.
The farther you pull back, the more powerful your shot will be!
Release <Ctrl> to fire.
The ninja arm will be your stick before you fire it, your cue ball when it is fired, and a point ball after it hits a mine.
If the ninja arm goes into a pocket (marked with gold) before it hits a mine, you must end your turn with no points.
If your ball hits a some mines and then goes into a pocket, your score for that turn is the number of mines you hit.
If the ninja arm bounces out of the pocket and/or goes into another, score is the same.
Play until all the mines are gone, then tally up your scores if you are playing against someone.

Have fun!

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