
Thumbnail of the map 'Sedative'

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Author Ragnarok77
Tags action author:ragnarok77 fun hard playable strategy unrated
Created 2008-01-11
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My favorite map so far. I think it's my most-well created map (that's still not saying much for me).

It's pretty hard, and you need to think through some different routes at some points or you'll find yourself in a firing line.

I've completed this map 3 times, so it's possible and hopefully not glitched at all.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A Crypt of Narrows' Thumbnail of the map 'Ace of All Traps' Thumbnail of the map 'Betrayal'
A Crypt of Narrows Ace of All Traps Betrayal


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More comments than my first maps! (well then again, they weren't great, pretty noobish)
Some objects are noob and can be eliminated, tone down on the chainguns, add the chance for an agd. Keep the lasers.

Btw, thanx for the edited version, bufar! It's pretty rad that you did that.


I like it, but I had many problems with it. SO I hope you don't mind, but I edited it and put it on pastebin:

quite enjoyable

very well thought out, but a bit n00bish at the same time
I'd like to see some more maps from you
Demo Data


I think it's too hard in the chaingun/laser drone section. Like previously said, you could get rid of some objects that aren't needed. Also, some gold would be fun.

Most of the objects

were not needed. However, several parts have inspired ideas that I may implement in maps in the future. My favorite part by far were the chambers above the floor-guards stomping grounds.


Me be the first to say this is an excellently made map. I thought the continuity of the laser drones getting a second shot at you was really an excellent concept. Sweet tileset too.
A solid 4 at least.