The Wall

Thumbnail of the map 'The Wall'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author z33r0
Tags action author:z33r0 rated
Created 2008-01-31
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description the extra gold will separate the numa nerds from the part timers.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'across the universe' Thumbnail of the map 'a little quickie' Thumbnail of the map 'mine' Thumbnail of the map 'Mine Your step' Thumbnail of the map 'Weird ending' Thumbnail of the map 'Animatrix'
across the universe a little quickie mine Mine Your step Weird ending Animatrix


Pages: (0)




I got a nice little loop with the first rocket, only to get wasted by the other one :(. ah well, it was ok, 3.5
Demo Data

Great map.

Interesting and addictive.

Ignore the other people except lord_day - I like your rating ideals.

dude z3rro

stfu lol. Its good to have high standards and not give 5/5 every map you see, but its stupid to see a true 5/5 and rate it a 2. By rating truely good maps down, you make the author look stupid


y do you bloody care about votes anyway...OH NO MY RATING DROPPED FROM 4.5 TO 4 !!!! BOO HOOO IVE LOST MY EGO!!!!
High standards are far far better than all these 5s that get given out.
but your standards are much too high for a flash game.


"snipe". its my opinion and my vote and you cant change nething hahahahahahahahaha muahahahahahahahahaha :K

You again...

I remmber you, you used to snipe maps such as mine, and lots of other peoples maps. I remember great 5/5 maps which you rated 2/5... lol

but you

you surely must play numa 24/7 ... dont lie

I guess...


im a perrenial pest


Hated it.

You again?


I guess im a part timer
Demo Data