Percy Cuted

Thumbnail of the map 'Percy Cuted'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Sendy
Tags action author:sendy bitesized playable rated
Created 2005-08-03
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Almost puzzle, but with that gauss on your tail, it's definately action.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'SDY 21-2 - Get Over It' Thumbnail of the map 'Quantum um... Thingy' Thumbnail of the map 'Devil May Care' Thumbnail of the map 'Running Rings' Thumbnail of the map 'Naive Little Dream' Thumbnail of the map 'Niche Market'
SDY 21-2 - Get Over It Quantum um... Thingy Devil May Care Running Rings Naive Little Dream Niche Market


Pages: (0)

beat it.

i hate the fact that you've made the level in such a way you can't get ALL GOLD! =(

anyway, nice one sendy.


PS: by the way, i complete it faster lalala
Demo Data

Self kill?

This level is very possible. Look:
Demo Data


Curse you Sendy!!! But still, pretty cool.


It looks like a n00b map, but with a little style added in.


is this Self KILL Level??


Please rate my other recent maps. :)