Vulcan Diamonds

Thumbnail of the map 'Vulcan Diamonds'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author T3chno
Tags action author:t3chno playable rated skyline
Created 2008-02-03
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I tried to make it neat. Skyline touched it afterwards.

For Skyline, of course.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tranquilize; Not without a Gun' Thumbnail of the map '762 Bear; 29 Cubs' Thumbnail of the map 'Flabbergasted; Fo' Sho'' Thumbnail of the map 'Go Go Power Rangers; You Fail in Colors' Thumbnail of the map 'My Biggest Enemy' Thumbnail of the map 'Core Fly; Can't Ignore'
Tranquilize; Not without a Gun 762 Bear; 29 Cubs Flabbergasted; Fo' Sho' Go Go Power Rangers; You Fail in Colors My Biggest Enemy Core Fly; Can't Ignore


Pages: (0)

So 3vilD0j0

Why the snipe?

No, incluye.

I just gave him some suggestions on the map.


I'm constipated. Can you lend me some Robitussin?

My amazing demo.

Nice map. T3chno AND Skyline?!
Demo Data