coolest DDR ever V5

Thumbnail of the map 'coolest DDR ever V5'

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Author espada777777
Tags author:espada777777 dda ddr espada playable unrated
Created 2008-02-08
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description omg i can't believe this one worked

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Encima de la Mesa' Thumbnail of the map 'N^203' Thumbnail of the map 'unfinished' Thumbnail of the map 'coolest DDR ever' Thumbnail of the map 'coolest DDR ever V2' Thumbnail of the map 'coolest DDR ever V3'
Encima de la Mesa N^203 unfinished coolest DDR ever coolest DDR ever V2 coolest DDR ever V3


Pages: (0)

Bad things:

gold delay
TELEPORTERS (everyone gasps)
launchpad LINES!!!!! (GASP!)
enemy spammed
unused objects ^.-

And it definitely isn't the coolest dda ever...
and what does ddr mean? don't do rocket?