Phantom of the Opera

Thumbnail of the map 'Phantom of the Opera'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mammaletto
Tags action author:mammaletto hard playable rated
Created 2008-02-16
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description For the music/map contest.
By Iron Maiden.
If you've ever tried to play this song on guitar, I think you'll see the resemblence.
AGD coming right up!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Three Umbrella Men' Thumbnail of the map 'Holey Moley' Thumbnail of the map 'Alien Assault' Thumbnail of the map 'ApocalypseMetropolis-Rain On Barren Soil' Thumbnail of the map 'Factor Y' Thumbnail of the map 'The Shark Tank'
The Three Umbrella Men Holey Moley Alien Assault ApocalypseMetropolis-Rain On Barren Soil Factor Y The Shark Tank


Pages: (0)

a $#!7

sorry, thanks for reminding me, you'll get the next one
I thought you said this was gonna be a ded to me.
Demo Data

This is fun!

This is a different map...I like it a lot. Love the thwumps.

My jerkish demo

nice map. 3.5/5
Demo Data
Now go beat it!
Demo Data