Passers-by 4

Thumbnail of the map 'Passers-by 4'

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Author cucumber_boy
Tags action author:cucumber_boy playable rated
Created 2008-02-20
Last Modified 2008-02-20
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description I hope player_03 doesn't care that I did this, if he does, I shall delete it.

I was only going for making a longer one. All credit goes to player_03.

You wouldn;t believe how much playtesting goes into a map like this...

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Pages: (0)


Demo Data

Its a tie!

With me and Hendor!
Demo Data

That demo

is fucking balls awesome.


Best.... Demo... EVER!!!


That was a lot harder. There are several sections where you just squeek by. Great playtesting.
Demo Data

is it me

or is this level missing something?... like a ninja ;)