nothing is impossible

Thumbnail of the map 'nothing is impossible'

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Author resede
Tags author:resede fun hardish playable rated thwumps zappy
Created 2008-02-26
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description harder than it seems

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'B-2'


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i did it but forgot to get demo data. and it is very easy!


Just a standard level. Anyone could make it.

fbf demo

Demo Data


Guys Rate my map lol it fun playable and FUN


I agree with psychoSnail you cannot just bunch objects up its a stupid idea fix it and even though gold delay is alright in my opinion it didnt work here.

Not so good

I'm with PsychoSnail on this one. Multiple rockets unnecessary, the floor drones seemed useful...but then I figured out how you were supposed to do it. Unnecessary. The gold delay part can be can the mine/key in the corner. I just don't really get what the intent of this map was.
It was easier than it looked.
Every enemy (and object, for that matter) should serve a unique purpose and should add to the gameplay. If you can't find a purpose for a certain object that isn't already covered by another object, then you don't need that object. All the rockets did the same as what one or two would've done, except with more lag. Don't put too many rockets, and make sure to spread out the launchers so that they don't bunch up too easily. All the floorguards bunched up really quickly, serving the purpose of one.

And please, I just don't like gold delay (multiple pieces of gold stacked on top of an object), and I'm sure many others agree with me. And make a real tileset that looks good.

Demo Data


is there some sort of secret im just not getting cuz i cant do it...

1.5/5 sorry