Topic "ar"

Thumbnail of the map 'Topic "ar"'

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Author MaximumRide
Tags author:maximumride bitesized featured map rated
Created 2008-03-09
by 24 people.
Map Data

Description Yar?

This map was featured on 2008-10-25

In my eyes, one thing is lacking is many maps these days. Fun. It's really sad that nowadays maps don't have to be fun, they just have to look 'cool' or have 'cool' object placement. But what really brought you to this place? Fun. At that is one thing to be had in Topic "ar" by MaximumRide. Utilizing only gauss turrets and floorguards, this map really feels like exploring a cave of some sort, and then emerging back into the freedom of open air. Coupling great gameplay with stellar tiles, this really is an extraordinary map. — notkitt

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Power' Thumbnail of the map 'Crash' Thumbnail of the map 'precarious perch' Thumbnail of the map 'Klux' Thumbnail of the map 'LA Skyline' Thumbnail of the map '(sub) Zero'
Power Crash precarious perch Klux LA Skyline (sub) Zero


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I love playing it. it was very cave-ish. I didn't like the left hand drones-on-single-tiles though, I think one drone on the floor that spans the whole left space would've been better.

4.5 down/faved.
Demo Data



I come back to NUMA

for the first time in months to find one of my shittiest maps featured.

Haha ;]


a Max_Ride masterpiece finally gets featured and it's this one? huh again.

as brttrx so poetically put it, one's first impression of this map is... "I LIK DUH WEIGH ET LUKS"

not, "oh this is like going in a cave! yay"

Tiles looked cool

But hardly atmospheric. Tbh I dont see why this was featured. Decent map tho 3.5

only thing i liked

is how you start on a door. it was cool and simplic=stic ideas


the cave atmosphere isn't perfect, and the tileset is somewhat primitive, but it is fun. 4/5
previous map was a more fun version of the gauss/puppy combo
It did look 'cool' and the object placement was OK, but it lacked the kind of spark that fun maps have. 3/5.


That's also a great work!


great map.
Yeah !
Demo Data

nice work

tileset LOOKS great, but at points it relly knocks the fun out of the map with awkward jumps. The bottom is devoid of this, so is great. So is the start. In fact, the only really bugging part is the top-right quarter of the map. That mine near the upper floor guard is such a difficulty spike when going for AGD as well.

As you can see, I'm only nit-picking.
A solid 4/5 for this
But overall, nice work. 4.5


great map

Demo Data


Pure max_ride. Awesome map. 4.5aved
Demo Data