Rev me up, Watch me go

Thumbnail of the map 'Rev me up, Watch me go'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Onesevennine
Tags action author:onesevennine medium playable rated
Created 2008-03-10
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Not too hard; But just made for the concept. Feedback appreciated.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'You probably shouldn't look down' Thumbnail of the map 'Strip Mining down by the Power Plant' Thumbnail of the map 'Lunch Break on the old Scaffolding' Thumbnail of the map 'Tagrag Bungled; And a Semicolon too' Thumbnail of the map 'Binary Ownership' Thumbnail of the map 'Installation!'
You probably shouldn't look down Strip Mining down by the Power Plant Lunch Break on the old Scaffolding Tagrag Bungled; And a Semicolon too Binary Ownership Installation!


Pages: (0)

Very Nice

Looking map, I can't seem to do very well on it though. Maybe cuz its 6:27 am and I can't sleep.

AGD (no cheating)

First, this is pretty hard. It may not seem hard to you because you spent time playtesting it as you were making it (or you're just a really good player). Just something to be wary of.

Anyway, the pressure mines near ruined the level for me. And IMO, they don't fit with the level. Also, the room with the exit switch requires some rather delicate maneuvering - it's too hard for coming near the end of the level. It's also kind of annoying that, since there's 7 of them, the gausses tend to be more fickle. Still, it was fun, especially traversing the middle area. IMO, that's by far the best part of this level. 3.5.
Demo Data

"Cheat" completion

Demo Data


I think that this has been done before, but nice execution.


this map made me hate gausses even more -- and i already hate gausses more than anything else in this game.

