Anywhere, anytime

Thumbnail of the map 'Anywhere, anytime'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Destined_Bunny
Tags author:destined_bunny awesome bunny collab fate of race rated teh the
Created 2008-03-18
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description ==Collab between Bunniesandsheep and Destiny==

This is a extremely multipathed race. It was inspired pretty much completely for me (B&S) by Fluid Dynamics. I hope that you have a lot of fun playing this.

Oh, and if you cheat, you can still probably find flow =]



Pages: (0)

I just do it with my awesome brain powers =D
This can only mean good things.

I thought it was more fun to just use it as an extremely flowy playground level.


oops wrong account

i logged in to view rating XD

demo up on Nreality

it shows lots of routes and all the gold

Oh, and can you imagine how confusing it was to make this? I dont know how bunnies could manage, after a while i was just baffled XD

it was nice

I would have liked to see more definite paths though.



All gold demo:

Really fun level.
4.5/5 and Faved.
Demo Data