Neon Graveyard

Thumbnail of the map 'Neon Graveyard'

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Author Mekkah
Tags author:mekkah losing rated
Created 2008-03-27
Last Modified 2008-03-27
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Trading Snakeoil for Wolftickets' Thumbnail of the map 'My Favorite Tiki' Thumbnail of the map 'Disgruntled Youth' Thumbnail of the map 'Soft Stalk' Thumbnail of the map 'Lufthansa' Thumbnail of the map 'Astral Years'
Trading Snakeoil for Wolftickets My Favorite Tiki Disgruntled Youth Soft Stalk Lufthansa Astral Years


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Same with me.

But, I'll still probably be around.
I'm losing interest in this, won't be around in a month or so.
but the level isn't bad. I liked the chaingun's range, and the other enemies filtered in well. Cool good options.

Decent map. 3.5/5


made an agd-2
perfect chaingun, insane tileset!
Demo Data

nice tiles

i also like the enemy placement. well done, 4.5