grab the bananas not the coconuts

Thumbnail of the map 'grab the bananas not the coconuts'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author maranoman
Tags author:maranoman dda rated tileset
Created 2008-04-02
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description tileset made by cucumber boy

dda... no hold right... its pretty cool... hardest one i had to do.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'dd(eh)' Thumbnail of the map 'sex' Thumbnail of the map 'short distance sprint' Thumbnail of the map 'right there have a seat' Thumbnail of the map 'somebody put something in my drink' Thumbnail of the map 'Take it out on me'
dd(eh) sex short distance sprint right there have a seat somebody put something in my drink Take it out on me


Pages: (0)

sorry about that

i meant by that that it was an orginal dda but i can see the confusion...

Oh, i see. It says 'NO hold right' I thought it said 'Hold right'.

Does not work.
Demo Data

All my

dda's get 5 ratings and my action maps never get passed 2... lol i know wat i special in i guess


great map must have took a long time. lol