A quick N riddle

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Author guy_zap
Tags author:guy_zap rated
Created 2008-04-05
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description It's a riddle. On N. And it's quick. Duh!

I'm not telling you a word about what to do, it's all there!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Half-Pint 2 - Only Jump!' Thumbnail of the map 'Kwikee' Thumbnail of the map 'ThwumpMinesquishandgravity!' Thumbnail of the map 'Suicide mission' Thumbnail of the map 'Doctor Who-Partners in Crime' Thumbnail of the map 'Dead and back'
Half-Pint 2 - Only Jump! Kwikee ThwumpMinesquishandgravity! Suicide mission Doctor Who-Partners in Crime Dead and back


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Easy, Too Easy

it's good but not that hard to figure out. bit different from normal maps by you but continue with Rac-Em's


Eh.. 2.5.. hardly average.

umm wtf..

that was quick alright...

Its the..

..2nd switch. =\


is that a riddle? It's just a matter of getting the right switch.