Choose Your Way

Thumbnail of the map 'Choose Your Way'

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Author koentjah
Tags action author:koentjah hard playable unrated
Created 2008-04-09
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is my first map I created. please vote it and give me some useful information, so not: that is rubbish but(for example): I think you should ad more enemy's. so i can make better maps

Thank you

ps: I think it is hard, say it when you think it is medium or easy


Pages: (0)

Demo data

This is how i do the level, but there are lots of other ways :P
Demo Data

Pretty Good...

When you have several challenges in a level, try to have less open space to make it more vissually appealling.

Medium-ish (closer to hard than easy)
