20 Rockets

Thumbnail of the map '20 Rockets'

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Author Riobe
Tags author:riobe dda fun rated rockets
Created 2008-04-09
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Submitted Level #: 32
Level Name: 20 Rockets
Type: DDA
Series: Rocket DDA Series
Difficulty: None
Inspiration: lord_zecrus
Dedicated To: lord_zecrus for advice on rocket dda's...
Based Off Of Level: None
Make Time To Complete Time Ratio: 10 min to 20 sec...?
Other: DDA #2

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Air Maze 4' Thumbnail of the map 'Tandrum 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Stress Reliever 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Stress Reliever 3' Thumbnail of the map 'Clair'Voyance I' Thumbnail of the map 'Squeeze 1'
Air Maze 4 Tandrum 2 Stress Reliever 2 Stress Reliever 3 Clair'Voyance I Squeeze 1


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found a glitch

if you hold left as soon as the game starts, you hit a spring and a rocket at the same time and then it enters no clipping mode (you interact with anything in the game except walls).
thought you should know




good. well, i only saw 1 close call. is this your first dda?

Not good

No change in propulsion, no close calls, nothing to stop the rockets (apart from near the end). 1.5/5



Your descrpotions are pretty useless :p