Perfect Insanity

Thumbnail of the map 'Perfect Insanity'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author etdeshon
Tags author:etdeshon collab etdestiny flowy fun race rated
Created 2008-04-14
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description newest collab map between me and destiny. took us a little while. submitted a little piece of the map about a week ago and i was told it was good. hope you guys like this one. have fun!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'whatever...' Thumbnail of the map 'Space Race... again?!' Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome to the Jungle!' Thumbnail of the map 'well...' Thumbnail of the map 'simple little map...' Thumbnail of the map 'small mine-jumper'
whatever... Space Race... again?! Welcome to the Jungle! well... simple little map... small mine-jumper


Pages: (0)


thats a LOT of gold.



the disturbed song.


This brings back some memories :D

Did you name this after the song..?
i didnt even realise when i saw it at first...

Disturbed kick ass :D


I hate the fact that I go too fast 90% of the time.


doesnt really matter anyway


i didnt... i copied the map data you submitted... i swear.

In fact

you didnt submit my last edit, it's the one you sent me before that...
Demo Data
Could of said...


never mind about the thwumps - I'm getting pretty good at getting past those. But that zap drone always kills me.
Demo on NReality.

Too fast?

Great flow, but the first two thwumps were a pain for me. 4.5/5.
Demo Data

I agree with POSW

I can just tell from the thumbnail which maps are destiny's...
then I'd say it's a 5/5

Very very good

BUT - these maps are starting to blend together for me, and that's not a good thing. It would be cool to see you try something different. It doesn't have to be anything in particular, but try and find some new wrinkle to work in your maps.

4.5 - great job.

flow demo.

here it is. have fun
Demo Data