Comments on "Tribute to Balls"

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Silly hippocrite.
"Its really balls-noying
Kablizzy I did not realize you were this immature"

- Be_Happy_:)
that was the best hour of my life.

should have lasted longer ;(

Son of a...

Why the hell didn't you guys tell me you made my ded? I'm almost half a year late...this is like the 5th ded I've gotten where I didn't notice it until too late.


I was wondering why the one-ways were there and what the lag was all about. Then I got the switch and my head a splode.



demonz, you lazy... person

Ouch. My feelings.

Ouch ouch ouch ouch.


I'm glad

After the balls fiasco I expected testicular maps everywhere, and I saw this title but this isn't as distasteful as I expected. Way to keep it in your pants, 4.5/5

I miss Balls



I was playing this and it seemed decent enough, but not really up to your standards of awesomeness. Then, I got the switch, and the map's awesomeness exploded all over me. 5avesized

I don't even know

what this means.